


From the minute you call or step into our unique, state-of-the-art dental office, you’ll feel you are in the right place. We’ve carefully designed it to ensure your experience of dentistry is pleasant, enjoyable, and even fun (believe it or not).

You’ll see that our team is committed to bringing you impeccable service and using a gentle touch. Putting a smile on your face and helping it stay there is what we do.

Some of the patient comforts and amenities that we offer include:

  • Coffee
  • Soft pillows
  • Comfy blankets
  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • Overhead monitor for TV and internet surfing/li>
  • Stress balls
  • Knee pillows

Our team truly cares about every single one of our patients, and want to make your visit a great one. Have any questions about our patient comforts and amenities? Give us a call today.


There are many who are fearful of going to the dentist even before they arrive at the office. Sedation dentistry may be recommended to help reduce a child’s or adult’s anxiety.

Mild to moderate sedation dentistry allows one to stay awake, while deeply relaxed, during the procedure. This means the person will still be able to follow direction from the dentist, and it will put the person at ease during the appointment. Due to the length and complexity of some procedures, the dentist may suggest the use of sedatives even if the patient is comfortable with typical procedures.

Sedatives can be administered using a variety of methods:

  • Inhalation therapy or "Laughing Gas"
  • Oral medications
  • Intravenous sedatives

Different sedatives and routes of administration produce different levels of sedation. The doctors are trained to determine the best level of sedation for a fearful child or adult. Your (or your child’s) safety and comfort are the doctor’s priority during procedures that require sedation. The entire team is fully trained and very experienced in monitoring patients and recognizing issues after the administration of medications.

When intravenous sedation is required, an anesthesiologist will come to the office to provide these services. Please be aware that patients using deep anesthesia, beyond laughing gas, will require a ride home.


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